© WWF-Armenia
Past Initiatives

Establishment of Lake Arpi National Park

Improving Forest Law Enforcement and Governance

(ENPI) East Countries Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (FLEG) II Program

Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change in Southern Caucasus

The steps undertaken by WWF Armenia toward forest conservation

Barev Trails Ecotourism Development Project

Promoting Sustainable Dam Development at river Basin scale

Conservation of Large Carnivores in Armenia

Armenian Adolescents for Ecology

EU ENRTP Caucasus - Increasing the resilience of forest ecosystems against climate change through forest transformation

Enhancing the Integrity of the East Lesser Caucasus Corridor through the Establishment of Gnishik Community Managed Protected Area

Preparation of a Management Plan for Khosrov Forest State Reserve

Protected Areas for a Living Planet

Monitoring Bezoar Goats and Pressure on Forest Ecosystems in Khosrov Forest State Reserve and Dilijan National Park

Biodiversity Protection and Community Development: Implementing Ecoregional Conservation Plan Targets in South Armenia

Establishment of a National Park in Tatev Area

Forest Landscape Restoration in Northern Armenia

Developing the Protected Area System of Armenia: Improving Capacity Building and Management Regime

Establishment of Community-based Models for Biodiversity Protection in Ecological Corridors in the Southern Caucasus (Armenia)

Sustainable use of medical herbs